Friday, April 18, 2008

a bit to start

well, I've made some large doilies as a child modifying them into Barbie doll skirts and dresses. The first blanket I made, I putsed around with it just using a dc ch1 I started out and ended up making the chain about 7 ft long. I worked on it every once in a blue moon when I could get some scrap yarn from my grandma. after about 1o years, I finished it off at about 7 ft X 4ft. It turned into a great lapghan for a larger woman who is almost totally bed ridden. For a few years I didn't crochet, cause I couldn't afford supplies. I'm finally getting back into crocheting. So far in the last 6 months, I made a baby blanket/lapghan in a ripple pattern in a teal and teal/purple verigated colors for my neice and her baby dolls, I made a round ripple baby blanket for a coworkers new grandson in blue, yellow and white yarn and I'm making another one of the same pattern in pink, yellow, and purple yarn for my friend's very special daughter. I have a lot of ideas I want to work on But I'm trying to keep myself to one project at a time so I don't get too confused, as I'm just learning how to read a pattern.

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